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mercredi 28 août 2013

Au Cameroun l'émergence passe aussi par le respect de la Femme

Dans la plupart des pays en développement, les projets de développement dits "structurants", considèrent généralement les aspects de l"économie, de la finance et des industries extractives, comme étant les seuls moteurs de la croissance, à même de faire sortir le peuple de la pauvreté. Il est important de constater que tous les pays dits "développés" n'ont pas forcément les sous-sols les plus riches. Ainsi, beaucoup d'autres paramètres concourent à cet objectif de l'émergence, en l’occurrence le respect de la personne humaine, surtout le RESPECT DE LA FEMME.

Deux événements importants, que je qualifierai de plus marquants à mes yeux depuis le début de l'année 2013, dans l'actualité camerounaise, ont particulièrement attiré mon attention : La première a été la mise en détention provisoire d'un Sous-Préfet, après l'avoir démis de ses fonctions au motif de viol en co-action sur une jeune femme de 26 ans ; et la deuxième, la suspension d'un enseignant Maître de Conférences à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Yaoundé au motif de Harcèlement sexuel sur une étudiante dont il avait en charge, la direction du mémoire de fin d'études.

Au regard de ces deux événements anodins, je pense que le Cameroun est résolument sur la voie de l'émergence. Combien sont-ils les "chefs de Terre" qui pensaient qu'un jour un des leurs tomberait pour ce motif ? Quant à l'Université du Cameroun dans son ensemble, ce n'est un secret pour personne, la pratique du harcèlement sexuel constitue depuis toujours un mode de fonctionnement chez certains enseignants usant et abusant de leur position dominante. Le Professeur des relations internationales Emmanuel Pondi a d'ailleurs commis un ouvrage à cet effet, intitulé "Harcèlement Sexuel et Déontologie en Milieu Universitaire".

En prenant la décision de sévir de la plus ferme des manière qui soit ce genre de pratiques et d'attitudes, le Cameroun affiche une image positive en faveur du respect de la gente féminine, et une détermination à punir les responsables de tels actes. Cependant, il faudra également que les Femmes victimes aient la courage de dénoncer et de se plaindre chez qui de droit, en brisant la loi du silence. Beaucoup d'associations à l'instar du Réseau National des Associations des Tantines (RENATA), travaillent d'ailleurs dans ce sens et méritent d'être soutenues dans leurs actions.

En somme, pour accéder au stade de développement intégral, il faudra aussi compter avec la lutte contre le viol et toutes les  formes de harcèlements sexuels et moraux qui minent aussi bien la société que la corruption et le tribalisme.
Je pense sans risque de me tromper, qu'un pays qui veut se développer doit commencer par veiller au respect des Femmes.


dimanche 18 août 2013

France - Cameroun Nord Sud : Regards croisés Bilan et perspectives du Voyage d’étude « Une promotion d’étudiants à la découverte du Cameroun»

L’Association de Géographie de l’Université d’Orléans et le Département de Géographie de l’Université d’Orléans présentent

Bilan et perspectives du Voyage d’étude
« Une promotion d’étudiants à la découverte du Cameroun»

Jeudi 31 mai 2007
Conférence – Diaporama – Buffet camerounais

par les 3ème année de Licence de Géographie

Faculté des Lettres, Langues et Sciences humaines Orléans-La Source
Amphithéâtre Jean ZAY (amphi du Hall)


jeudi 15 août 2013

Call for Applications: PhD in African Studies, Germany

The Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS), funded by the German Research Foundation as part of the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments, will admit PhD students to its doctoral programme beginning 1 April 2012.
The Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies at Bayreuth University, Germany, brings together outstanding young African and non-African scholars to work jointly in the field of African Studies. It offers a centre of creative and innovative PhD training based on a multi- and cross-disciplinary research environment.
BIGSAS invites applications from candidates whose dissertation project fits into one of the Graduate School’s current Research Areas. For information concerning the Research Areas, please visit the website:  http://www.bigsas.uni-bayreuth.de.
Applicants must have a very good Master’s Degree in one of the disciplines represented at the Graduate School. Applications may be sent in German, English or French, the working language of BIGSAS is English.
For your online application please refer to: http://www.bigsas.uni-bayreuth.de/en/Application/index.html
Deadline: 1 October 2011
Applications reaching BIGSAS from the African continent will be pre-selected by the five Partner Universities after the initial formal screening at the University of Bayreuth. The interviews of candidates from Africa will take place at the following Partner Universities of BIGSAS:
Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Benin
Université Mohammed V-Agdal, Rabat, Morocco
Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa

Call for Papers Interdisciplinary Conference 'Africans and Hague Justice: Realities and Representations of the International Criminal Court in Africa' 22-23 May 2014 (The Hague)

On 22 and 23 May 2014 NVAS organizes, in close partnership with Hague University of Applied Sciences and the School for Human Rights Research Utrecht, the multi-disciplinary conference "Africans and Hague Justice" to be held in the Hague. With this conference, the organizers aim to highlight African perspectives on the International Criminal Court and the jurisdiction with which it operates. The conference theme closely connects to the current African cases at the International Criminal Court and the vocal and mixed reactions from the African continent towards them.  We are proud to host internationally renowned scholars, such as Kamari Clarke (Anthropology),  Charles Jalloh (International and Criminal Law) en Makau Mutua (Human Rights) featuring as key-note speakers at the conference.

Shortly, a call for papers will be published on the NVAS website (www.afrikastudies.nl ), to which we warmly welcome you to respond.

We look forward to your presence at the conference!

The Organising Committee

Froukje Krijtenburg (chair)

Abel Knottnerus (treasurer)

Eefje de Volder (secretary)

Ingrid Roestenburg-Morgan (member for SHRR)

Jos Walenkamp (member for HHS)

For questions, mail to Froukje Krijtenburg: f.krijtenburg@vu.nl

vendredi 9 août 2013

2014 International Conference UNESCO CHAIR IN TECHNOLOGIES FOR DEVELOPMENT: WHAT IS ESSENTIAL? 4-6 June 2014 | EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

2014 International Conference
4-6 June 2014 | EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland


Dear Colleagues,

The UNESCO Chair in Technologies for Development hosted by the Cooperation and Development Center (CODEV) is pleased to announce that the third International Conference on Technologies for Development: What is Essential? will take place at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland on 4-6 June 2014. The conference – held in English – will offer a high-level platform to take part in cutting-edge discussions in the field of technologies for development, to share information and to network.

Conference Themes

1.      What are the needs for essential technologies?
2.      What are successful processes to develop and deploy essential technologies?
3.      How can we evaluate the impact of technologies? How does impact measurement drive innovation?

Core Areas

·         Technologies for sustainable development of habitat and cities
·         Information and communication technologies for the environment
·         Science and technology for disaster risk reduction
·         Technologies for sustainable energy
·         Medical technologies

Ø  CALL FOR SESSION LEADERS / Deadline 15 September 2013

Leading Southern and Northern researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a proposal to organize a breakout session, taking into account the strategic aims of the conference. These sessions will form the core of the conference and are an opportunity for participants to generate new knowledge. The selected Session Leaders will be part of the Scientific Committee of the UNESCO Chair in Technologies for Development Conference. As a Member of the Scientific Committee the Session Leader will collaborate closely with the Conference Organizers regarding the review process to select the papers that will be presented as well as contribute to the overall organization of the conference.

Sessions can be proposed to explore one of the three guiding questions in one of the core areas. The conference organizers will cover the travel and accommodation costs of the Session Leaders.

Proposals for breakout sessions should be submitted online using the prescribed template no later than 15 September 2013. Further instructions can be found on the conference website: http://cooperation.epfl.ch/2014Tech4Dev

Ø  CALL FOR ABSTRACTS / Deadline 14 October 2013

The UNESCO Chair invites authors from research, industry, policy or civil society to submit their abstracts under one of the three guiding questions and in one of the core areas of the conference. The abstracts can either offer good examples and pilot experiences of concrete applications or provide reflections on these issues. Abstracts need to be based on North-South or South-South collaborations.

Abstracts in English of a maximum of 500 words should be submitted before 14 October 2013. Abstracts will be peer reviewed and a decision will be sent by 11 November 2013. The deadline for full paper submission is 13 January 2014. A selection of the best papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in an edited volume by Springer-Verlag. Some level of financial assistance may be available for authors from developing or emerging countries. Instructions for the submission of abstracts and the application for financial assistance can be found on the conference website: http://cooperation.epfl.ch/2014Tech4Dev.

Please feel free to circulate this call to your contacts and networks. A link on your website to this call would be appreciated.

Many thanks for your support.

Eileen Hazboun
Cooperation & Development Center
UNESCO Chair in Technologies for Development

Station 10 - 1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)
Tel. +41 (0)21 693.60.48


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